Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice Storm Feb 2011

It is Wednesday and I am home from work.  It feels strange, like it should be the weekend or something.  My son has not had school for the past 2 days either.  This is something, as his school never cancels school!  The even canceled for today last night!  The weather is really bad, that is why I am not at work.  We got hit with a major ice storm that brought sleet and freezing rain for the past 2 days.  I even heard some thunder earlier this morning.  Thunder and lightening during ice/snow storms are pretty impressive.  I did make it to work yesterday even thought it was pretty bad, but not today, it is way too icy for me to be out there.

We got quite a bit of ice.  I would much rather have had snow, but I don't control the weather.  I just have to roll with it and wish I lived someplace warmer.

The chickens are not happy.  They have been able to get outside the past few days with all the sunshine we have had.  Not yesterday or today though!  That is all I need is to have them slide and break a leg on the ice.  Chickens are not the most graceful creatures in the world.  No, it is best to keep them cooped up in the coop until the ice melts or I get in the run and chip it all out....I think it should melt!  Chipping out ice is not fun, easy, or a clean chore.  Bits of frozen chicken poop, mud, rocks, and scratch fly up in your face and get in your hair and all over your bullets and everything - I have when that happens.....sorry 
i digressed into an old taco commercial for a moment.  Anyway you look at it chipping ice out the chicken run is not for the faint at heart, or the weak muscled.  

We have an extension cord running from the house to the Chicken coop.  This supplies the much needed electric to run the heat lamps inside for the birds.  The coop is equipped with 2 red heat lamps in the winter. It is necessary to heat the coop for the water to stay thawed and to provide some heat for the birds.  I check them every day for signs of frost bite to their combs.  I don't worry about their feet as much since we keep them cooped up when it is really cold and icy outside.  Their perches are 2x4's mounted flat so they have to sit on them with their feet flat and then hunker down over their feet which keep their feet warm when they sleep.  Pampered chickens - I have them!

I even found wile rabbit tracks outside Dust Bunny's cage.  This wild rabbit got onto the porch through a gate, up the ramp, and onto the porch to say "Hey you - in the cage.  Yeah you.  Whatcha in for?"  Then he skittered away.  Goofy rabbits.  I wonder if they are planning to break Dust Bunny out of jail?

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